Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beauty over Death

Here is the highlight of the century...ready to hear it??...Here goes...


I never thought I would have given in so easily...So, yes...everybody has an opinion...and everyone is entitled to express we may or may not agree with that bitch...everybody has a story...their personal experience of wearing stiletto high-heeled shoe...but it is my guess...that time has truly tainted their memories...

"Wearing high heels are a must!!...You'll feel so sexy walking in it...the way guys follow you around...UN-BE-LIEV-A-BLE!!"...

Did she really have to break into mono-syllables just to prove her point, I wonder...I did get slightly irritated at her doing so, as I felt reminded once again, how left behind I am...when it comes to dealing with fashion...

Yet, in all her excitement, she sure forgot to mention how blardy painful it could be, though!!...A warning would be very much appreciated...but its too late for that now...

I'll be is nice to wear high-heeled shoes...ONCE A YEAR...There are many highlights to be wearing will feel super-duper tall...(especially for those midgets)...The ability to retrieve something from what was once called a TALL cupboard...looking down at a child, and realizing how small they can be...nailing a pest, with the pointed side of the shoe...and killing it pronto...yeah, those were the good perks...

The biggest the straight back that I have had to develop, while walking...if not, I would have suffered chronic, I'm sounding so vain right now...

But the pain is UN-BEAR-A-BLE!!...EX-CRU-CIA-TING-LY painful...Yes, I'm breaking it into mono-syllable emphasis...and I truly believe and stand by what I say...especially when one has been standing on her toes for hours on end...with all the blood rush into my feet, it looks like a pewny baby Godzilla's foot...or a pregnant lady, suffering from a bloated feet!!...

And besides, I just drove myself up a notch higher, by buying a 2 inch high heeled shoe...(my previous one was 1 inch) thought that I would have walked quite nicely by now...having 2 years experience under my belt...but noooooooooooooooo.....I am still dwadling like a penguin...left to right, right to left...some people even mentioned that I look like a crab, sideways...

Hey guys, cut me some slack, will ya!!...I'm trying to improve joining the blardy group of crazy high-heeled people...and you guys degrade me just like that!!..despite the constant reminder of health dangers wearing high-heels, I'm still doing it...don't I deserve some credit?...(or is that a sign of stupidity??)....and by the way, just so you know...getting my arse into a shoe shop and being able to shop for one big battle won!! there!!...

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