Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You'd gotta be kidding me...

It is school break today...as workaholic as I am, I welcomed this break with opened arms...I needed to talk to adults for a change, after all the kids talk I've done for the past few months...

My boyfriend and I dropped by KLCC for an hour or so, to pick up some tickets from the Malaysian Philharmonic box office...when I realized 'my aunty' came to visit...thanks God...you have no idea what was going through my head for this past week, as this 'aunty' of mine was 2 weeks and 5 days BEHIND schedule...another 2 more days of absence, I would have hit the roof and freaked out...

As anxious as I was, I've got to admit that I didn't come prepared...hey, cut me some slack, will ya...this 'lady' misses the train for almost 3 weeks...I have received no symptoms nor signs/hints of her coming...no bloating, no violent, dark hormonal forces,cramps, nil...

So I quickly visited the Guardian pharmacy and glanced through the vast choices of sanitary napkins...I usually go for Whisper, as that brand offers the best night security ever...35 cm long, with 'wings'...security and comfort, satisfaction guaranteed and sealed in a package...but alas, this was also one of the brands that was and still is the costliest...and being the old grub that I am, I scanned through the shelf for a cheaper option...and WALLA, there it was...at RM3.80 for 10 slim sanitary napkins...was the brand name; Always...

But at closer observation, I had to snort with laughter, and place it back...beneath the brand name; Always...was these words..."Have a HAPPY period!!"...

Are you freaking kidding me??...which lady, pray tell...can actually claim that they breeze through this time of the month, with smiles and joy...waltzing down the green meadows with no cares in the world??...as far as I know, many women out there are having cramps so painful, that it takes up all their mental strength to refrain from gnawing inside their body and ripping their uterus out!!...Others, have to entertain this hormone dysfunction, of turning into Incredible Hulk within seconds...tell me, is there anything that a women goes through during her 'aunty visit' that is in the LEAST, enjoyable??...

Well, I am not one to complain much...I am one of the lucky ones, whom this 'aunty' does not harrass too much...she finishes her business with me, in 3 days at maximum...sometimes, 2 days...I'm not sure if that is good news or not...No cramps for me...just a dull ache at times, and tiredness at others...but I'll be damned...I saw so many of my gal friends, hugging themselves in a corner, and gulping in aspirin pills for dear life!!...I'm sure many gals would agree with me on this...

So...."have a HAPPY period"??...I'd say that "Have a CRAPPY period" is more like it...

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