Thursday, June 5, 2008


The highest price increase of the decade...our beloved government has decided to pull up the price of our petrol, by a freakin 78 cents...hence, petrol now can be bought at RM2.70 per litre, instead of the usual RM1.92...

This is part of their fuel subsidy plan, so they say...

But while they decide to do this, may I suggest the following...

1) Repair and improve public transportation system, BEFORE raising the bar by 40%...instead of 'planning to fix public transport using the funds that comes from the hike'...(NOTE : "planning" only)...

2) Get every employer to raise our salary by 40%, to accommodate fuel hike, which like dominoes, will inevitably cause price increase in food, groceries, etc...I for one, am up to my neck settling bills...

AND while they're at it, there are a couple of things to work on as well...

1) STOP sending UMNO 'visitors' to space...we can't afford it...

2) STOP building luxurious buildings just to impress...many architecture are now sitting as white elephants...damn it!!!

3) STOP buying military air-crafts, fighter jets, submarines and NURI helicopters...does it look like we are going to war at any time??...we are on war alright...economical war, that is!!!...

Thanks to this price increase, my car is pressing me for more money, than my stomach is!!!...

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