Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Unvoluntarily Tagged

Just because this bugger is my friend...and I owe her a HUGE favour...I shall forgive her for taking my life apart, by tagging me...and shall fulfill her request...

The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player than tags 5 people and posts their names, than goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they done got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

What was I doing 10 years ago (1998)?
1) trying to figure out my sexuality...yes, I was such a tom-boy, there are people (who shall remain anonymous) have asked me time and time again, if I was a lesbian...and yes, it is confirmed that I am a heterosexual...my mum was glad to know...if not, she would have screamed Bloody Mary..
2) playing truant in school..
3) ringing people's doorbell...and running away before they answer the door...so what, you have your naughty moments too...
4) screaming Backstreet Boys...man, was I immature!!...
5) practicing rebellious-ness, and driving my mum nuts...

5 Things on my to-do list today
1) survive an hour and half of boring lecture...
2) survive my blardy students who will most probably not have done a single assignment throughout the two week break...
3) resist the temptation of tearing my hair out while doing my compositions and arrangements...I am balding now, which is not a good sign...thank God for my thick hair...
4) Fill my car up...my baby is thirsty...
5) wash my hair...

5 Snacks I enjoy
1) Cachos with thousand island dressing
2) paper sea-weeds
3) tooth-decaying, and weight gaining marshmallows...
4) DARK BELGIUM chocs...
5) sugar-coated Oreos with dumped in fresh milk...

5 Things I would do if I were a multi-billionaire
1) Hire a mafia to eliminate carcasses, namely Baby Vellu
2) Buy an island and retire there...
3) Buy the Federal Bank Reserve, and become a multi-zillionaire...
4) I'd get myself G3-/SG-1 Sniper Rifle and finish off Vellu myself...save mafias the trouble...
5) Purchase a Stradivarius violin and a Steinway Grand...which if I did, I would not have the money to execute any of the above...

5 of my bad habits
1) keeping lose change...my heavy pocket full of coins, is weighing my pants down...
2) doggy-ear my books...
3) workaholic extreme...
4) switching off snooze buttons and not waking up...the sleeping beast that I am...
5) checking for cellulites...

5 places I have lived in:
1) Paradise Bay Hotel, Penang
2) Toyota Corona 1.6 (1982), Number Plate :WAS2754
3) University practice rooms
4) 10, Persiaran Bandar Baru Tambun
5) National Library

5 people I tag:
Anyone who is as insane as I am, to be doing a tag at this ungodly hour...

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