Sunday, June 15, 2008

You Make Me Sick

Things just gets so darn annoying the minute your immune system back-fires...I have been nursing a mild flu, and an agonizing headache for the past few days...hence, my disappearing act from this blog...

Your nose gets all clogged up, and your eyes are watery...your back is slightly sweaty (mild fever, I suppose)...and worst of all, you fight nature's call, that insist you rest...of course, add it all up, it just makes you a little more than irritated...and a whole lot more grumpy...

Everything is in chaos now...not to mentioned that some of my students are being real idiots at the I have said before, and I will say it now...two weeks break from a piano is never good for a musician/student/child...and I stand by my beliefs till now...a student of mine have proved to have shrunk his brain to pea size, watching DVDs for 14 ace student of mine, can now barely count...

The word 'frustrated' undermines my feelings...

By the way, just so one would understand...we piano/violin teachers make a living by teacher your children. If we were to entertain your request of 'stopping lessons' for a month, just because our studio is having a school break, and there isn't classes for two weeks...and you took out your pewny calculator and concluded that it is not worth it to pay this month's piano fees...we teachers would have been short of a certain amount of money in terms of salary...imagine if we were to entertain every parent (I have more than 35 students, btw)...I would not have a pay check this month and would be starving by now...and with the petrol prices increasing, I would have to survive on plain water every day...that is just inhumane, wouldn't you agree??

And for those of you who don' make me sick...
Have been nursing a mild depression of late...frankly speaking, I'm not sure why...I know it is something to do with the state of life that I find myself in...but I am not able to pin point what exactly...I feel a mental blockage...maybe its because I have learnt to ignore it so well, that returning to a certain memory would prove to be too painful...I feel limited...caged by the very walls I have built myself...I want to fly, but like an eagle bred in a farm, I'm behaving somewhat like a chicken...I put my mind into something, which I know I can achieve...but the very battle I struggle to my self esteem, which pulls me down...I want to break away...and for moment, I do...then comes the Voice of Doom speak into my mind again...and the Voice of Reason shrinks in fear...and I find myself thinking vulnerable thoughts...

I have been planning to do my internship in Melbourne, Australia...and so far, things are going as planned...true, it was delayed by a couple of months...but I'm okay with that...I am willing to wait, as long as it means taking me to another country, that I may start a new chapter...learn of other cultures...

I have been behaving like a kid these days...sulking, and unsure of myself...I can't keep that up though...I wonder where all my optimism has disappeared to...

My boyfriend will be leaving for Tasmania to further his studies in 2 weeks time...I am missing him, even before he leaves...damn it...that may have added to my 'kiddish' behaviour too...

I have a question; which I have thought about but never could come to a conclusion :-

'If God has given us the freedom of choice...then where does DESTINY comes in?'

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