Friday, July 18, 2008

Lessons for the ego-brownheaded-ignorant fool...

So, it was my third time in my twenty plus years of life...committing myself to a facial, and entrusting someone to prod and poke my face...despite my previous not-so-memorable experience at the spa...and no, I didn't go back to the one that my mum recommended, just so I can save my mum the embarassment that she had to go through before...

Nevertheless, my worries and restlessness before this facial appointment was totally unfounded...for the FIRST time, there was no extraction of blackheads!!...Yipee!!...Just tonnes of mask, recommended by the specialist (but I never bothered to remember the brand nor purpose)...but I gathered that it was suppose to give my face an to my understanding...

Going back to the past for a mum had nice skin texture, when she got married...and she blamed me, for blasting and making her hormones go haywire, as zits starting popping like weeds in an unattended dad on the other hand, having gone through no stress of bearing a child...had perfectly nice skin, with an occasional pimple...and as years passed by, flawed/nicely decorated by some unwanted wrinkles...

So far, I am blessed with good YET not perfect skin...I have yet to experience a pimple epidemic...but I did have to suffer from the 'freckled-face' syndrome (courtesy of my maternal grand-dad) since young...Now, that may not mean a big deal to non-Asian friends...but for a Chinese freckled-face gal, it is the very formula, that starts off a traumatic childhood...taunted by classmates for looking some aunties who tell me I look un-Chinese-like...

Even now, I am still a victim of my freckles and my not-so-Chinese facial features...I've been mistaken by customers and parents alike, for being a foreigner, in my own local soil...the good side to it, though...that the hotel bell-boys tend to treat me with a little more respect, thinking that I'm an American/British born Chinese...or with a foreign bloodline...the bad side to it, is that I am always skinned financially, when it comes to dealing with car mechanics and peddlers on the street...who has come to assume that since I look foreign-like, I must be a dumb blond who is loaded with cash...and nothing to spend on...

And the fact that I can't speak good Cantonese, is an added disadvantage as well...

So, my cheeks are welded with tonnes of freckles...and my mum used to convince me that I had a combination skin, oily on the T-zone of my face, but dry at the sides, cheeks mainly...she believes that I have inherited her type of skin...So I have spend my lifetime, glossing over supermarket shelves to look for an oil control product, with high hopes of zit prevention...

Only to realize during my recent facial check-up...that I had dry skin!!...No wonder...there was a time, when I washed my face twice daily...and my nose would peel with skin was only when I decided to wash my face ONCE a day...those darn flakes disappeared...

So, in summary, all the money I've poured in to face oil-control products for 10 years now, were the very cause of my skin dehydration (thanks, mum!!)...and worse off, I've never bothered to tonne or moisturize on a daily basis...and I've just learned...dry skins are more prone to wrinkles at old age...Oh la la!!...

I've been told to do an uplifting facial mask every 3 weeks...I'll have to google that up later...I don't know what it means!!...but that is the smallest of my problem...I just hope that I have enough self discipline to stay committed to it...*sigh*...

Just so you know, I'm more comfortable with my freckles now, as un-Chinese-like as they may be...For I have come to believe that faces without freckles are like dark blue skies without there!!

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