Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Domesticated Pets...

I used to have tonnes of hamsters...usually start off with a pair...then my friends who are too busy to look after theirs, bring them to me to be hamster-sat...and eventually it becomes mine...

My boyfriend used to tease me...on how rodent-like I am becoming...and I tease him back...calling him a marsupial...probably I should change, and just start calling him a mongoloid...*grin*...

Anyway, I decided to do some shopping yesterday...was smitten by a health bug, and bought some cereals...yogurt, etc...

While waiting at a traffic light, on my way home...I decided to kill time by reading the writings on the cereal box...which says :-

"A tasty blend of chilean flame raisins, apricots, banana, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, blanched flaked almonds, whole hazelnuts and multi-grain flakes" - Dorset Cereals

hmmm...how nice...*traffic light has turned green, puts down box and drives*...

Erm...hang on a minute...sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts...that's what I use to feed my hamsters!!!

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