Sunday, August 17, 2008

An update...

My sincerest apologies for not updating for quite some time...I'm still very much alive and kicking...awfully relieved that my arranging project has been finalized and handed up....I managed to cram in a night of studying for my Malaysian Music exam...I wonder how I managed to survived on literally two hours of sleep (I'm not kidding you) this whole entire week...

I have wanted to update this blog for some time now...despite friend's concern and advices, I have decided to opt out for Option B (read the post here) and slog through nights on end living coffee and get my arranging project done...Yes, it wasn't a very healthy choice...but at least, the couple of hours sleep I had, was a peaceful one...that does not consist of nightmares about missing datelines, computer crashing and wat nots...

Yet, as a right hand wrist hurts like hell for now...from holding on to the computer mouse for too long...(that explains why I've put off blogging for a few days, my wrist is much better now...thank you) eyes cross...and my ears bleeds...

One has no idea, how painful it would scan through 52 pages of music notes/ a hunt for a single mistake...that the ear was too tired to make make things worst...this 52 pages of music scores was on the it was really difficult to see the whole entire page...I had to zoom in and out all the time while looking for that dratted mistake...occasionally, I feel as if I'm seeing brain is ears bleed from listening to my music arrangement for so has even come to a point, that even the mistake that I was looking for...blended into the my ears was already starting to get used to that jarring sound...(I knew the harmony was somehow wrong...but since I was handling a bunch of alto saxophones, which were playing different melodies...
I couldn't make out which instrument it was that has that blardy wrong note...really annoying)...

A typical case of overworking I doesn't feel the body communication...until one has literally placed her project file on the lecturer's desk...and she much her body aches...her right hand wrist is swelling...her brain on a hibernating mode...her eyes almost shut down...

I wish I had a fairy godmother for now...I would have wish for one day...where I need not think of waking up day...where I can choose to do whatever I want...and sleep in...good grief...God knows...I've tonnes of sleeping hours to catch up!!...

Question of the day :
In your own dictionary...what does personal time mean to you?

For me...personal time, is when I can switch off my handphone...and still be at peace...without being nervous that I could have missed a class...or a project...

What about you?

I'll update more tomorrow...for now...I'm heading for bed...and hopefully...if I can...I will not wake up till the start of the next body has endured enough abuse...I need some pampering...

Good night, folks!!!...Don't let the bed bugs bite!!....


Anonymous said...

Wow! So this project was an arrangement for a Malaysian music "orchestra"-type thing? That sounds very interesting. Are you going to be releasing a recording or MIDI for download? I would sure like to hear it.

For me, personal time is a time when I get to do whatever I want for myself. Solidarity.

I hope you get some good rest. Make some time for fun as well. Cheers!

Lessajinomoto said...

Tuan Vo,

Nah...I was just doing a big band music arrangement for a pop song...

Malaysian music, was just a normal listening and writing exam...basic understanding and memorizing...piece of cake...what was killing me, was memorizing all those dratted and weird names, that neighbouring countries came up with, for their folk dances, music and instruments...we had to study that as well...

Now that you say it, I may consider doing a Malaysian Music arrangement...hehe...thanks for the idea...will sleep over that for a while...*grin*...