Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Confessions/ goes either way...

When I was young, I used to keep a small little diary...where I would share my deepest secrets and wildest imaginations...of course, at that time, it used to be about how I would want my future house to look illogical infatuation with some guy down the street...who I would want to be when I grow up, keep little busy-bodies away (friends with a keen eye for secrets), I used to encode no one will ever find out, nor will they ever know...lest they will laugh at me, and shatter me of my childhood fantasies...of course, I encoded it so well, that my older self have never been able to decode it, ever...hence, my dreams died along with the young that I have an online blog, I am tempted to share my secrets here as well...have been struggling within myself...debating if I should or not...just in case my mum goes berserk upon reading my blog...or go to the other extreme, and laugh at my sport...but heck...this is MY blog...I should at least be able to practice my freedom of speech right here...

So mum, if you're ever reading this...I guess that you will learn that this is one part of your daughter you have never known...bellow your anger/frustration if you want...laugh and even cry if situation calls for it...Just as long as you promise you would not squeal on me and tell dad...

Here goes...

1. Have been considering gettIng myself a pet snAke...if you were to read My profile, this should not be of aNy surprise tO you...Most of the people I knoW hates snake...

If you ask me, this is a typicaL situation of 'shooting thE messenger'...The unforgivAble act of tempting Eve in the GaRden of EdeN has stereotyped the mInds of people, iNto believinG that anything that slitHers and crawl on the grOund, is completely undeserving of tender loving care...but here is the breaking neWs...

There are many people like me, who love snakes for the very same reason people haTe them...these creepy crawlies, as I called them when I was a kid, was amazingly designed...tO be able to adapt to all kinds of enviRonment...the elegancE in their 'footsteps', just incredible to look At...Some people tries to kill them, but enDs up getting bitten insteAd...All the more reasoN to give them the respect that they Deserve, doesn't it?

2. Tattoos are another thing that intrigue me a lot...I have always wanted to get my oWn tattoo the minute I received my 'golden key' (Its a Chinese tRadition...we receIve a 'key' once we reach the age of 21...symbolizes freedom to acT on one's freE will)...

But the act of plungIng a needle into my ever-so-delicate skiN, would be anything but a divine experience...yea, call me a chicken, but I aM afraid of the long term effect, if I were to get a tAttoo...will it age me terribly?...also, I don't thiNk I am comfortable with the iDea that it would be something permAnent, that I would carRy for the rest of my life...I would lIke to get a bird or a hamster tattoo...but I am sure my taste would chaNge along with fashion (yea, laugh now...see if I care)...I may not like birds so much...probably a snake then,why not??!!...and I don't think that my bird/hamster tattoo would like to co-exist with a snake tattoo, you get my drift??...

*whispers*...snakes have birds/hamsters for their early breakfast...

Ah, will you look at the time?...I'll just have to leave this here...and continue with my spelling later...

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