Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Something about Friendster/Facebook...

I'm sure all of you guys have an online profile...Friendster, at least...or even Facebook, or similar likes...filling the cyberworld with information of how amazingly unique you are, by doing exactly what the rest of the world is doing...

I was just looking at a couple of my friend's online profile today...and checking out friends of theirs as well...when I suddenly realized, something of a common line, found in most of the online profiles...These people can really be complete posers!!!...These really, really self absorbed individuals, take their picture of their faces (only)...while staring wistfully into space...portraying endearing emotions.. dramatic make-up...some even porn-like... depressed, or even cute, pout-y, slutry looks...well, a couple of photos of these sort, I can probably take...I try to think of it as, they trying to explore the artistic side of their photography...but ONE HUNDRED PHOTOS???!!!...

And it gets worse...not contented with single photos of themselves...they have to assemble these 100 photos of their ever-so-beautiful faces into a collage of some sort...so that when one checks are their photos, they are completely swarmed by a gazillion different camera angles of their eyebrows, facial hair, flakey skin, nostrils, pimples, etc...etc...

I take it, that they are so opened about themselves, they want to share with you every details of their physic body, which includes their facial features...but this is just a tad too much...how annoying...

I have a male friend whom I have known back in high school...where he placed a photo of a guy (not him, mind you) that has smooth skin, Naruto-like hair, and has a dangerous, bad boy air around him...absolutely gorgeous looking...And when I checked out his profile, you can see through testimonials, after testimonials, many (especially girls) calling him, 'hot', 'super-licious', 'sexy thing' etc...all bordering on the pronographic...I mean, how freakin' desperate can you get???....btw, this friend of mine is just a normal ah-beng uncle, who sells pirated DVDs to the night...sells pirated computer CDs by morning...and is no way a hottie, Brad Pitt kind of way...

(For privacy purposes, I decided not to reveal his name...he is afterall, still my high-school friend...as much a fraud he is in cyber-space, what he does online, isn't of my business...and I will keep it at that...)

Of course, online profiles do have their perks as well...but it is sad how many people overdo it...I have seen friends of mine, have MULTIPLE friendster accounts...overloaded profiles and blogs, each one detailing their personal life to the second...and they have thousands of friends...

But this is my two cents thought...if one has more than 150 friends, he/she can be considered a celebrity with a small fan club of their own...and he/she no longer need an online profile...heesh...I mean, how many friends can one actually catch up with??...So, do people like me a favour...stick to about 100 friends or so...and pass the rest to me,alright..I need to update my social network too...

Some (mostly girls, sad to say)...are what I call...Facebook Whores...making a career out of clicking on the Facebook link...I met up with one of them, and upon expressing my dis-interest in facebook, she gave me a look, that could have suggested that I might as well just have defecated, vomited and spat on her bed...

But I will stand firm on my beliefs...I personally think that we homo-sapiens have been spending too much time at home with our white box...I would prefer a personal touch...talk to an actual living person...one that breathes...gossip a bit...do something worth while...hug a bit more...spread a bit more love...

Can you imagine...60 years down the line, on their death bed, people will no longer say, "I wish I have had spend more time in the office"....but "I wish I have had spend more time online"...how pathetic can that be?...what kind of existance is that??...Or one telling their grandchildren..."Oh, do you know, my ever suffering grandchildren...that your grandpapa had an awesome online profile at your age...I even jazzed up my HTML on Friendster, so that it sung a tune, while people are checking out my profile!!...can't believe that your grandpapa was that cool, eh?...Look at what you are doing now...tsk...tsk..."

Talking about that...I've spent too much time online...almost an hour, to be exact...I need to walk my talk now...and get out of my house...

And so should you...*winks*...


Anonymous said...

hahahah....don't YOU have a facebook account as well? only that you don't update it as often. same goes for your blog. I don't ever update my blog anymore just because I'm not abroad. XD

So, when can we catch up? I'm trying to scrooge most of my cash juz cause i'm living off my angpow money from raya and bday (which isn't a lot). XDDDD

i'm a self-proclaimed cam-whore only when my hormones feel like it. =D..So, when shall we meet up and bitch about, sista?

Lessajinomoto said...

Well, while MUA, do have a Facebook, I try to keep it to the simplest, so I need not squint my eyes through all the zombie fights, beer attacks, tycoon request crap...and just get to the point...

And also, we both know, I am not all the photogenic anyway...so cam-whoring is NOT an option...

Call me la, sista!!!...you have my hp number, whereas I don't have yours...give me some love...*winks*...

Anonymous said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE MINE????!?!?! I'm still using the same number! :p

no worries. When i drop by claris, I'll just make a grand entrance into your studio and scare the crap out of your students. XDD