The area where I stay in, Cheras...honestly reflects the ugly character of front of 'gwai-los'/Caucasians/very-important people, they are all polite and reserved...but when put them alone with their friends, they break into hives, with curse words, reckless driving, and so much more...
Here, you get a buffet of evil spawns...some will happily rumble towards you from the opposite direction, on a one way street...some will rudely make left turns, from a right lane...Drivers who are mentally handicapped, unable to put on the car signals at appropriate times...drivers who put the traffic in a halt, in the middle of a one lane alley...just to buy newspaper, snacks of some sort...or even stop for dinner...damn those road side hawker stalls!!!...
The list doesn't end there...Here, yellow lights will mean 'step on the gas and roll it on!!' lights means, 'hang on tight to your bra and underwear cz we are speeding so fast, we're faster then death itself!!' Have you ever seen a motorcycle that sits 5-6 people?...well, it exist right here in Cheras!!...the father in the very front, and he will plop his first child in front of him, that lucky one...2 poor kids LITERALLY sandwiched between the father and their mum who sits behind...and the mum hand carrying a child...not the best means of transport, and there you go...I'm not sure what there is to save here...I would have rather foot out a few more bucks for my kids to take a public transport back home...then to mess with Jack Ripper...
And do the drivers even care?...Hell long as they carry an RM30-50 to bribe the cops when they come is the Ramadhan month...'coffee money' are bound to be rampant among cops...heck, even the cops themselves do a double park...while sitting at the road side drinking coffee and smoking!!...
And to all ye people, who were honking during the insane 2 hour traffic jam I had to sit through yesterday...what the hell!!!...Yea, you heard me...I cursed...rare but its you guys actually think that an orchestra of different yet out-of-tuned honks will make the traffic flow much better??...and you're breaking my train of thought!!...And what is the extra display of love within couples while driving??...true, it makes my heart melt, when I see couples being decently affectionate in public...but this is're risking lives, just for a 10 minute 'romping'...
May your car be covered with a blanket of bird poo one day...Good riddance to that!!...
Emily, I was considering doing a blog post entitled "Stupid Malaysian Drivers," but when I read yours, well that about sums it up.
And the thing I notice (maybe this is just me) is that the more expensive the car is, the dumber the driver becomes, lmao.
And the motorcyclists? They're practically begging for speeding tickets to hell. Enough said.
Hi Emily, it's me again. I like your blog so much I've added it to my blog roll. You can find me at
Hope you'll add me to yours! Have a good day.
Hi Philip!!...
Thanks for adding me into your blogroll...I have done the same...
Am glad you like my feel free to drop me feedbacks and critiques whenever you see fit...
Do take care...
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