Thursday, April 23, 2009

Confidence dearest

Dear self esteem,

You suck, you know that??...long have I entertained your whiny little voice (20 odd years!!!)...your words tells me that you would rather not be involved in whatever that I have hoped to do...your actions show that you would prefer to stand back, and watch the world go by...but you're such a domineering little dweeb, aren't you??...

Quit hogging and leeching on me, will ya...if you ain't gonna help me, then stand aside...thanks to you, I have seen opportunities dropped by to say hi...only to leave, when I am afraid to approach them...times when I'd rather sleep, to escape those depressing thoughts, just so I can get a moment's peace...

Stop moping around and get back on your feet...throwing yourself a self-pity party never should have known that by now...I make and live my own life...and I am responsible for what I think or do...and you're going to work this out with more demeaning thoughts...they stay more sorry and regretful statements of how I were never given a chance in the past...shut up...cause the present and the future is all that matters...the present and the future, the story isn't written yet...every minute of one's future, is an opportunity in I am given a chance you can stop grumbling...

Back to work, you once in a while, will ya...if you don't feel like it, at least fake will help me more than you'll ever know...

By the OWE me...its high time, don't you think??...


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