Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WGL 1669 (Part 2) - The LOSER

Why I think you are such a loser : (For whole story, please refer to the previous post)

1. You were not even gentleman enough to attempt to see if I was okay...and I was the one with the damages...

2. You were way behind me, that I can confirm...yet, you managed to crash into me at high speed...if I was in a Proton Saga, I would have been crushed to pulps by now...

3. I was on a stationery position...still, you are able to crash into me...

4. You were not even responsible enough to say sorry...and worst, you challenged me...and I'm not taken into threats so fact, they piss me off a lot...

5. All you can say is, "I ade brek!" better excuses??...

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