Sunday, December 16, 2007

Weirded out...

My piano teacher in a Can-Can dress (Moulin Rouge style)...with layers after layers of petticoats...
Me, losing my gold teeth...
The Boyfriend scolding me for losing my gold teeth...
Human-Sea-Turtles display...
Me giving away my hole T-shirts that was punctured by crockroaches...
my dad riding on a carousel amusement ride...

I'm dreams are getting weirder and weirder by the moment...none of the above makes sense...

My piano teacher, as fit as she is...I can't picture her in a Can-Can...just t-shirt and a pair of jeans...

I, have barely I have no false teeth...and even if I were to have one, in 60 years to come, it wouldn't be plated in gold...probably be made of wood...

The Boyfriend rarely raises his voice, let alone scold...

And as we all know so well...there are Human species and Turtle species...but there is no such thing as sub species of Human-cum-Turtles...

I do not own t-shirts filled with crockroach-punctured-holes...and I would never go so low, as to donate them...that is shameless!!!...

And if anyone knew my dad, it would be when the pig grown horns and chickens fly, before we ever catch him riding on a carousel!!!...

*sigh*...I need a rest...on top of the sleep I've just had...

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