People who...
...thinks its a glorifying sight to see the contents of one's food being bitten and broken down to bits...Not me!!!...Close 'yer mouth!!...
...go to great lengths to get your attention...and upon receiving it..they say "Nevermind"...
...act as if they are God's gift to human kind...come on, get a life!!...
...get of the escalators EXTREMELY slow...except for the elderly, of course...Hello!!!...if you didn't realize...there are people right behind you...if you don't get off quick, we might run into you...
...smoke right in front of you...Listen...I don't smoke...but I don't mind you smoking yourself to the brink of death...I un-willingly expose myself, as a second-hand smoker, knowing the risk of it...and I am not complaining...I am willing to be patient...but damn you if you smoke right in my face, I will personally give you a piece of my know the health risk when smoking, and you made a personally choice to face it...but not me...I didn't sign up for this...and you're NOT taking me down with you...
...complains on and on...about how atrociously out of tune it sounds, when a grade 5 violin student is practising...guys, we sympathize with you...hearing a 'chicken squeal'...but if you can, please bear with think listening to one practice on the violin is painful??...try being the student practicing on the violin least you guys can opt to walk out of the room anytime you want...
...stand in front of the elavators, hence blocking the way is so hard for people to realize that in order to get IN those elavators, one has to first make way for people to get OUT??...
...queue in really long lines...then upon reaching the counter...take another 5 minutes to think about what to order...They had all the time in the world to make a choice, while waiting for their turn...but they had to wait till that SIGNIFICANT hold the line...and take up our time...
...speeds up...just to over-take their space in front of you...and speed up no more...if anything...they slow down...
...allows their young kids to cry...and cry...and cry...through out the whole 3 hour journey on a bus to Ipoh...
...let their young kids out of their cages...and grab a french fry from a stranger...and the parents actually thinks its cute...
...don't turn on the signal lights, when cutting you off...or when doing a turn...if the signal button is spoiled...roll down the window and make hand signs...I'm too young to back off!!!... aloud in movie theaters...sister, if I wanted to know the story about your life, I'd ask...but at the moment...any movie on screen would be more interesting compared to your current, if you please...SHUT UP!!!...
...just don't understand instructions..."10 items or less" means...a counter that would provide its services for people that has 10 items to buy...or maybe 9 order te ordeal of waiting would be less painful...get it??...well, if you had 13 items...and you choose to ignore the sign...I can forgive you...but TWO TROLLEYS of items??!!!...25 items altogether, and the offender thinks its funny...well, I don' defeats the purpose of having a "10 items or less" counter, doesn't it??...
...and many more, which I'm unable to cover at the moment...those will have to be saved for later...gotta practice on my violin first...